“Exploring is to travel through the unknown to learn or discover new information.” Kate Leeming
Kate Leeming is a modern-day pioneer, someone who is a change-maker. She has a desire to inspire, challenge and educate students globally about making positive change to their communities. Before, during and following her latest expedition to the Skeleton Coast in Namibia, Kate wants to encourage students to explore their passions and discover new layers of potential.
There are ten individual lesson plans that can be used as stand-alone lessons or as a sequence of lessons. Each lesson has been directly linked and embedded with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and focuses on the Learn, Think, Feel, Act strategy. The resources aim is for educators to use them in their own classrooms and to connect globally to educate, inform and inspire students so they can become our future leaders that can make informed decisions to create a better world.

Namibia Expedition Introduction This lesson is a good place to start. It focuses on the qualities of an explorer-Kate- and background to Namibia.

Extreme Environments – Kate rode 1600kms along the Skeleton Coast in Namibia. The Skeleton Coast is where the Namib Desert meets the Atlantic Ocean in south-western Africa. Here, great walls of sand, many dunes between 200m & 300m high, drop sheer to the beach. The Namib Desert is the oldest and one of the driest deserts in the world. This lesson focuses on the necessity of Clean Water Global Goal #6.

Innovation – A bike is an innovation that is universal. It is a form of transport that relies on human power- nothing else. This lesson looks at Innovations that have been made to Kate’s bike and asks students to design their own innovative bike. It focuses on Global Goal #9.

Affordable & Clean Energy – A billion people still live in darkness around the world without access to energy. No access to energy is a primary cause of poverty. Kate is also working with her partners and Global Himalayan Expedition and Karibu Safari (Namibia) to bring light, education and economic empowerment to the poor, sparsely populated region of north-western Namibia. Firstly, they will set up a pilot project in Purros village. This lesson focuses on Global Goal # 7

Gender Equality – As an explorer/adventurer, Kate has cycled a distance greater than twice around the world at the Equator. Kate is a role model for young girls aspiring to take on challenges. This lesson focuses on Global Goal #5.

Life on Land– The Kunene Nature Reserve is home to the Kunene Desert Lions, an endangered species due to the conflict between the needs of local inhabitants, who see the lions devastate their livestock and threaten the region’s communities, and the necessity for the species to survive. This lesson looks at this conflict and focuses on Global Goal #15

Good Health & Well Being– Kate’s Expedition through Namibia involves perseverance, determination, core strength and concentration. Good Health & Wellbeing is vital for a successful expedition. This lesson focuses on Global Goal #3.

Reduced Inequalities – The issue of equality and inequality covers a range of development issues, such as the inequality between countries and within countries; the inequalities between disabled and abled people, between men and women, etc This lesson focuses on Global Goal #10.

No Poverty – This lesson focuses on Global Goal #1. This is the main focus of Kate’s expedition to create awareness of extreme poverty.

Quality Education – The Breaking the Cycle Education project is about taking action and inspiring others – leaders and change-makers, of this generation and next – to explore and find their passion and to aim high to achieve it.