Greg Yeoman’s first long-distance cycling journey, from Nottingham to Athens, was cut short when he fell off his bike in Germany and broke his arm – although it did take him five days to realise how serious the injury was, during which he carried on cycling through the Alps and into Austria. He was heading […]
Team Members
Meet the valuable expedition team members
Claudio von Planta
Claudio is recognised as one of today’s most committed current affairs directors, never failing to deliver the story no matter what the conditions. He is best known for his work filming the motorbike journeys LONG WAY ROUND and LONG WAY DOWN with actors Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman. He has won many prestigious awards such […]
Tristan Brailey
Kate Leeming
As an explorer/adventurer, Kate has cycled the equivalent of twice around the world at the Equator (85,000km). Kate first began travelling by bicycle in the early ’90s when she rode a total of 15,000km as her way of experiencing Europe. During these journeys, from Ireland and Spain, through the Mediterranean region to Turkey, central Europe […]
Chris Pennington
Chris has always been passionate about adventuring in the great outdoors and enjoying the incredible nature around him. His childhood was an active one with many scouting and family holidays spent skiing and camping. It was no surprise that Chris’ career through his degree in commercial photography and the love of the outdoors has developed […]
Michael Brailey
England born, Michael went to school in France in his teens; in his early twenties he hiked solo across nearly 30 countries all over Europe. Later he visited various destinations in the Middle East as an accomplished photographer and cameraman; and in South Africa, Southeast Asia and the Americas he worked as a tool designer […]